30th of December – Happy Birthday

30th of December is my birthday and I am so happy about the uniqueness of this day. I wrote this poem to celebrate myself and also to inspire someone out there to keep the fire of hope, and resilience burning. It doesn’t matter where you are now, fix your gaze on where you are going […]
No Matter What, I’m Gonna Make It In Life

I wrote this poem to inspire you. Yes, you. I know you are facing a lot of challenges, and you are starting to think maybe you will never make it in life. You are wondering why you are not seeing results for your hard work. I know you have doubts about your future and dreams. […]
What Goes Around Comes Around: COVID-19

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), an infectious disease spreading around the world, forcing billions of people to stay at home as nations around the world are on lockdown. This pandemic has caused many people to live in fear and anxiety, and this negatively affects mental health. Are you afraid of the future? Are you feeling anxious about […]
How To Discover Your Talent In Life With Ease

There is a popular saying that you can’t give what you don’t have. I’m going to add to that saying: “…and you can’t give what you don’t know you have even if you have it.” If you are yet to discover your talent, how can you know the talent you possess and how to use […]
Life Is A Gift; Cherish It and Live To The Fullest

Life is a gift that should be cherished because you are lucky to be alive. Yes, I said ‘lucky’ because it’s not within your power to breathe. Life has always been beyond your control; you couldn’t control when and where to be born, and you won’t control when and where to die naturally. It’s not […]