I have a series of 1-on-1 or group sessions to help you achieve your goals and become successful in life. Many of my clients are from different part of the world so I do sessions via phone or skype. You can get coaching from the comfort and privacy of your home. I listen with clarity and without passing judgment on what you say.

Typically, I start by asking you what you want and what is stopping you from getting it. This is to get clarity on your current situation or issues, and where you’d like to see yourself in the future (your goal). We will clarify life purpose, and goal. And explore all the possible options in achieving it, using lots of techniques to really extract options that you have never thought of before. We’ll also work to identify key barriers in your life, what areas you’re unhappy with, your frustrations, and struggles.

During the session, I will help you identify and articulate your motivations and desires, and develop strategies to overcome roadblocks. I will encourage you to explore how to make positive changes in your life based on your ambition. At the end of each session, I will set you tasks and objectives to work on outside of sessions. Then we will recap on the actions set and achieved from the last session and look at general progress and successes. My coaching style is focused on helping you gain clarity in life. To build your confidence and boost your courage to take actions. Actions intended to help you move towards your goals.

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