Fear of What Will People Say: Greatest Dream Killer

The fear of “what will people say” is the greatest dream killer in the history of humanity. For how long will you continue to worry about what others think? When you eat, do you wait for people to confirm on your behalf that you are already filled? Of course not, you depend on your stomach […]
Never Will I Settle For Less In Life

Every time I think of life, I ask myself ‘what if’. What if there’s no limitation or challenges in life and everything goes as planned, what will I do? And what if I don’t have to worry about my future and my life, what will I do then? Above all, I ask myself; And what […]
Are You Ignorant Of The Power Of Your Potential?

When you were born, you had the potential to walk and talk but you didn’t do any of that. As a baby, you were completely dependent on someone until you were able to express your potential to talk and walk. Likewise, you carry a potential within you to fulfil your destiny and your future depends […]
Life Is A Gift; Cherish It and Live To The Fullest

Life is a gift that should be cherished because you are lucky to be alive. Yes, I said ‘lucky’ because it’s not within your power to breathe. Life has always been beyond your control; you couldn’t control when and where to be born, and you won’t control when and where to die naturally. It’s not […]
Nothing Is Beyond You In Life

Life is not a stable, predictable journey; it comes with lots of surprises each passing minutes. However, whatever we get from life doesn’t have the power to determine who we are or how our future will turn out to be. We are the ones who have the power to decide that as a result of […]