How To Overcome Your Low Self-Esteem Quickly Like Magic

how to overcome low self-esteem

Your self-esteem will determine your progress in life. As humans, we have opinions and the most important opinion is the opinion we have about ourselves because this opinion will influence our happiness and enjoyment of life. Do you know that people with low self-esteem don’t get to live a fulfilled life? Are you dealing with […]

Never Will I Settle For Less In Life

settle for less

Every time I think of life, I ask myself ‘what if’. What if there’s no limitation or challenges in life and everything goes as planned, what will I do? And what if I don’t have to worry about my future and my life, what will I do then? Above all, I ask myself; And what […]

Are You Feeling Hopeless And Depressed? 7 Things To Do

feeling hopeless

Are you feeling hopeless and depressed right now? Do you feel like life is against you? Yeah, I know that feeling of helplessness too well. I know things have been tough for you lately, and every hard work you put into making things better seems like a waste of effort. You cry secretly on your […]

Why Look Over There? What If It’s Over Here?

why look over there

I know you are doing everything you know how to do best, but it seems like nothing is working for you. Will you please take a break? Take a break and consider your path. You have been looking over there for so long and it’s not yielding anything. Why not start looking over here? Stop […]

Life Is A Gift; Cherish It and Live To The Fullest

life is a gift

Life is a gift that should be cherished because you are lucky to be alive. Yes, I said ‘lucky’ because it’s not within your power to breathe. Life has always been beyond your control; you couldn’t control when and where to be born, and you won’t control when and where to die naturally. It’s not […]

Nothing Is Beyond You In Life

nothing is beyond you in life

Life is not a stable, predictable journey; it comes with lots of surprises each passing minutes. However, whatever we get from life doesn’t have the power to determine who we are or how our future will turn out to be. We are the ones who have the power to decide that as a result of […]