What Was Her Crime? Born A Female Child Into This World

born a female child

In many societies, a male child is valued over a female child, and this is a clear symptom of insanity in our society. Nature gives us both male and female because both are equally important and needed. If not, wouldn’t everyone be just a single gender? According to UN statistics, 117 million girls are missing […]

Terrible Female Mutilation Insanity Cries Out For Cure

female mutilation

Female Mutilation is an intentional act to suppress female sexuality by altering her genital organs. This practice of female genital mutilation is a violation of the human rights of women. It negatively affects the overall emotional and physical well-being of women and girls. Womanhood is priceless and shouldn’t be altered, therefore this shameful practice must […]

Effect Of Poverty On Society: Cancer Of The Mind

effect of poverty on society

Poverty is a cancer of the mind. It spreads so fast and corrupts the thoughts of a sane person. The sane person becomes insane; can’t differentiate between right and wrong anymore because s/he is desperate to survive. Poverty has stolen away dreams, goals, values and destinies. The effect of poverty on society leads to a […]